Featuring over 20 speakers, workshops, immersion programs and entertainment, this unique TED-X style event is open to Gold Coast youth.

IMPACT will brings together young people from all cultures, identities and abilities to connect, learn and leave inspired!


Friday Program – TEDx style program, incredible speakers, interactive workshops & entertainment

Kiara Levinge

Welcome to Country

Seamus Evans

Turn a Flaw into a Superpower

Elements Collective

Dance like no-one’s watching

Nic Brown

Share Stories, Create Change

Tim & Judy Sharp

A Double shot of Happiness

Griffith Deputy Vice Chancellor (Education) Professor Shaun Ewen

The Power of Education

Dr Kay Danes OAM

From Hostage to Humanitarian

Mario Evangelo

Inspiring Greatness

Briony Benjamin

Life is Tough But So Are you

Marco Renai

Men of Business – a story of belief & passion

Nick Brice

Entrepreneurial Journey

Larissa Rose

What does a sustainable environment look like to me?

Dr John Zak

The Power To Disrupt

Saturday Program – Entertainment, speakers, interactive workshops & Sea World Foundation excursion option

Dinesh Palipana OAM

Having a why gives us the strength for any how’?

Chan Po Ching

 The Voice

Katura Halleday

Gold Coast Empowering Young Woman Award winner – Inspire Change 

Kimberly Diamond

Gold Coast Empowering Young Woman Award Recipient – A voice of change

Sea World Foundation Immersion Excursion

Build a Bike for Volunteering Gold Coast donation

Visualize & Create your Vision Board

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